With their passion for authentic flavours, Blue Dragon's brand of Pan-Asian foods has helped people recreate exciting culinary experiences at home, with ease and convenience; and we are delighted to team up with Blue Dragon to host a story concept contest on the topic of Pan-Asian food adventures at home.
It happens to all of us. We discover a new flavour or dish that we love, and it inspires us. We savour it, and we take pictures of it. We learn how to pronounce its name so we can tell our friends about it and ask for it at restaurants. We’d love to recreate it at home for our family and friends if we weren’t so intimidated. We think to ourselves “Where do I even start?” or “I bet it's a lot of complicated steps” or “What if I don’t have the right ingredients?
Blue Dragon products are the answer to our Pan-Asian culinary quests. With easy to follow steps and authentic traditional flavours, dishes that once seemed intimidating and exotic, are now as close as our kitchen pantry. And from the comfort of our homes, Blue Dragons products take us on food adventures, to create memories, connect with other cultures, and with each other. We expand our horizons and our palates. We eat, we laugh, we share, and we raise our forks triumphantly to the sky to toast our mastery of our new favourite dish!
We want to hear your stories of your Pan-Asian food discovery and adventure. Has a Asian meal ever inspired you or brought you unexpected joy? Has a dish you prepared ever achieved the kind of unanimous approval that truly brought your family together? Have you ever healed heartache with a warm bowl of noodles, or recalled a fond memory from a late night Thai curry? Have you ever fed a little league army with a quick stir-fry, or welcomed the neighbours with a batch of spring rolls. Share with us your stories, for a chance to win one of 6 cash prizes, and a chance to see your story concept come to life on screen!
Contest Entry Fee: Free to Open Screenplay users