What can we create when we explore the vastness of science? Nearly anything. Science Fiction stories help us imagine what could be possible through science, and lets us create awe-inspiring and fascinating new ideas and events that we haven’t yet experienced in our natural world. So have fun with those aliens, rocket ships, laser guns, future (or past) tech, alternate dimensions, scientific phenomena, quantum physics, mutations, artificial intelligence, time travel, and anything else you can dream up. Keep in mind that Sci-Fi stories do NOT have to be set in the future – plenty of science fiction was created in- and can be applied to the past and present. Create a 10-minute or less screenplay for your chance to win cash prizes and the possibility to be produced. Don’t forget to think outside the box and come up with something we haven’t seen before!
Remember, Fantasy is a different genre, so this contest is not about magic or spiritual elements. Keep it to ideas that are theoretically possible based on scientific concepts.