It’s hard to define the thriller genre, but it’s easy to tell when you’re watching one. If you find yourself inching slowly toward the edge of your seat, your heartbeat is up a few beats, and you’ve squeezed the air out of a cushion you’re hugging, it's safe to say you’re watching a thriller. Suspense and a sense of tension is key, of course to a good thriller, and there are generally some recurrent themes such as murder, political intruige, espionge, conspiracy, criminal activity or psychological manipulation.
In this contest, we want you to bring out your inner Hitchcock and write a nail-biting screenplay. It can be about any subject you like as long as it gets our heart racing, and our inner sleuth guessing. Just be sure to stick to the guidelines. The top 3 screenplays will receive cash prizes, and the top screenplay will be considered for production!