Topic: The Screenplay must be a pilot series episode for the animated action/adventure series for children titled “Time Hoppers”
Duration: Screenplay is for a 12 minute pilot episode (1 page of script = 1 minute of screentime)
IMPORTANT: Writer should exercise cultural sensitivity to the mainly Muslim audience
Characters: Writer must utilize the main characters of the series as shown in the Characters section, and in the manner described in the series synopsis, Additional characters and historical figures may be added to serve the storyline of the pilot episode, but none of the main characters can be deleted.
Episode Formula & Story Arc: Writer must adhere to the notes provided in the Episode Formula & Story Arc provided.
Rating: Must abide by a “G” rating. for the web series. For clarification as to the various ratings, consult the MPAA guidelines:
Narrative: Fiction only
Language: screenplay must be written in English.
Maximum number of submissions: Unlimited you may enter the contest with as many screenplays as you’d like. Writers may be awarded more than one prize.