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story concept contest

Local Heroes of Virginia

In partnership with

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The Local Heroes of Virginia

A hero is someone who dedicates their life to helping others or sacrifices their life for a cause that’s greater than themselves. From the brave ones in uniform and first responders who put themselves in harm’s way to protect others, to volunteers that provide a helping hand, or to parents who work hard to provide for their families, local heroes are all around us but their stories are rarely told.

Del. Sam Rasoul is running for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia and he wants to hear the untold stories of local heroes in Virginia. Whether it’s a heroic family member, a friend, a teacher, or a civil servant, Sam wants to hear stories about local heroes directly from you.

That’s why Del. Sam Rasoul has teamed up with Open Screenplay to ask Virginians to share untold stories about local heroes. Is it simply a person who puts others before himself or herself? Is it a person of high moral character? Does a hero actively seek to help others and make a positive impact on the world? Or are they summoned by events around them?

Share your stories in the form of Story concepts with us for multiple chances to win one of multiple cash prizes! We can’t wait to hear your stories!

Truth. Love. Grit.

Having a hard time getting started? Check out these Story Concept Examples.



$500 USD

Why We fight

By: Yussef Altaher

By: Yussef Altaher

Youth Prize

$100 USD

Big Cousins

By: Johnelle Knowlin

Healthcare Worker Prize

$100 USD

Black & Blue

By: James Latner

Teacher Prize

$100 USD

Plato's republic


* License fee is for Story Concept Only. Should a screenplay be commissioned from the winning writer, additional compensation to be negotiated in accordance with customary industry parameters.

Contest Mini-Rules

No purchase necessary. Contest begins on March 13th, 2025 at 12:00 AM (ET) and ends on March 13th, 2025 at 11:59 PM (ET). There are a total of eleven (4) prizes available to be won as follows: one (1) First Prize First Prize consisting of a license fee cash award of USD $500, and in Sponsor’s discretion, the option of advancing the submission to a commissioned screenplay and / or production (approximate retail value: USD $500), and Three (3) Runner-up Prizes consisting of a license fee cash award of USD $100, and in the Sponsor’s sole discretion, the option of advancing the submission to a commissioned screenplay and / or production (approximate retail value: USD $300 each). Open ONLY to residents of The State of Virginia, United States of America, who are 13 years of age or older at the time of entry (parental or guardian consent required if entrant is under the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry). Odds of winning depend on number and quality of eligible entries received before the contest closes. Full rules and entry details available at: See full rules and entry details.

About Del. Sam Rasoul

Since he was first elected to the House of Delegates in 2014, Delegate Sam Rasoul has fought for the people of Virginia by passing legislation that expands health care access, starting the Impact Center initiative to empower new leaders to run for office, and modeling a new approach to politics through his Democratic Promise initiative, which connects our neighbors in need to government services that can help.

From speaking out against fracked gas pipelines we don’t need, to voting against ratepayer ripoffs and rejecting special interest PAC donations, Sam has been showing up for communities across Virginia fighting for justice and he will continue lifting up voices across the Commonwealth as Lieutenant Governor. He lives in his hometown, Roanoke, with his spouse, Layaly, and their three children.

To learn more about Sam's vision for Virginia and contribute to his campaign, visit https://sam4va.com


Contest Start date:
Thursday, March 13th, 2021

Submission Deadline:
11:59 PM, Thursday, March 13th, 2021

See Guidelines

Enter to Win

Participating is easy!

START a new Story Concept: simply sign in to Open Screenplay and click START >> Story Concept on the main menu. Choose The Local Heroes of Virginia’s Story Concept Contest to enter your Story Concept into the competition. The Story Concept must be completed on openscreenplay.com.

Chance for Further Consideration

Winning writers may be commissioned to turn their story concepts into screenplays for further compensation to be negotiated with buyers/producers in accordance with customary industry parameters. The Story Concept must be original and must be written on www.openscreenplay.com.


The Joy of Sports

Contest Partner: ACME FITNESS CO.

How does participating in a sport bring joy and happiness into your life?



Adventure / Family

Neighbourhood Games


Choose your Contractor Wisely

Contest Partner: ACME HOME REPAIRS

From simple home repairs, to full renovations, hiring a contractor can either dramatically improve your life or haunt your nightmares!



Supernatural Comedy

There’s Demons in My Closet