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What is a Story Concept Contest?

Story Concept Contests create opportunities for writers to pitch their story ideas to producers that are looking for a general concept or outline for the story, but not a complete screenplay. Story Concept Contests are hosted in partnership with producers that are looking for ideas for a particular topic, subject matter, or genre, from which they select winner(s) that they may elect to develop into full screenplays, and ultimately produce. Since Story Concepts are often a loosely formed idea, they can have wider applications beyond film & television, such as short-form videos for marketing, branded short films, web series, youtube videos, or even ads.

Participating in our contests is 100% free

just follow these 3 easy steps


Choose a contest from the list below, and read the topic guidelines.


Write a Story Concept consisting of aTitle, Genre, Logline, Theme, Time Period & Setting. *


Submit as many Story Concepts as you like, for multiple chances to win!

* Some contests may require more details such as story synopsis, characters.

For an example of a Story Concept submission, click here.

Judging Criteria

Story concept submissions are judged by a committee of contest partners, and may include Open Screenplay executives & advisors.

In addition to compliance with the contest guidelines, submitted story concepts will be evaluated on a variety of factors including quality of concept, originality, creativity, plotline, and relevance/adherence to contest topic.

Get Paid, Produced & Hired!

To participate in a Story Concept Contest, we ask that you execute an Exclusive License Agreement that allows our client to develop your idea and hopefully produce it. If your Story Concept is selected as a winner, you will receive a License Fee Cash Award in return for this exclusive license to your Story Concept. In addition, the client may request that you write a screenplay based on the Story Concept you submitted. In such a case, the client would effectively offer to “hire” you to write the screenplay, and separate compensation for this work would be negotiated through Open Screenplay.

We can’t wait to see your ideas! Happy Writing!

Contest now closed

Write for Humaniti!

We believe that everyone should have access to clean water, food, shelter and opportunities for education and growth, and that those rights must be met in order for a society to flourish and prosper. We also believe that those of us with an abundance must help those less fortunate, and through collective action, we have the ability to fulfil our obligations to one another. There is no better way to raise awareness, ignite our compassion, and motivate action than through stories that shed light on the suffering of others. That is why Humaniti, a grassroots Canadian relief and development...
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Contest now closed

Follow the Dragon Pan-Asian Food Adventures at Home

It happens to all of us. We discover a new flavour or dish that we love, and it inspires us. We savour it and take photos of it. We learn how to pronounce its name so we can tell our friends about it and ask for it at restaurants. We’d love to recreate it at home if we weren’t so intimidated. We think to ourselves “Where do I even start?” or “I bet it's a lot of complicated steps” or “What if I don’t have the right ingredients?” With Blue Dragon products you are closer to your Pan-Asian culinary quests than you think. Just follow the dragon and dishes that once seemed intimidating and...
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Contest now closed

Animated Children's Web Series

We are looking for great storytellers and writers to help us come up with a new animated web series for children ages 7 to 12 years. We want you to write up a story concept that briefly explains what the series is about. This includes series title, logline, theme, period, setting, and series synopsis.

Contest now closed

Local Heroes of Virginia

A hero is someone who dedicates their life to helping others or sacrifices their life for a cause that’s greater than themselves. From the brave ones in uniform and first responders who put themselves in harm’s way to protect others, to volunteers that provide a helping hand, or to parents who work hard to provide for their families, local heroes are all around us but their stories are rarely told.

Contest now closed

Banking in a Digital World

Imagine a world where we spend less time banking, and more time living. Can this technological wonder of our time make us more present? Give us more time to parent? Facilitate great memories and spontaneous adventures? "Open Screenplay and RBC Royal Bank want to hear stories about how digital banking has enhanced your lives. We want you to dig into your rich vault of creativity and provide us with Story Concepts about how digital or mobile banking has improved your life, or has the potential to do so.


The Joy of Sports

Contest Partner: ACME FITNESS CO.

How does participating in a sport bring joy and happiness into your life?



Adventure / Family

Neighbourhood Games


Choose your Contractor Wisely

Contest Partner: ACME HOME REPAIRS

From simple home repairs, to full renovations, hiring a contractor can either dramatically improve your life or haunt your nightmares!



Supernatural Comedy

There’s Demons in My Closet